Expertly designed in France, this innovative and user-friendly e-cigar captures the authentic look and aroma of a traditional cigar.
We collaborated with producers and artisans from Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico to craft 8+ distinctive e-cigar flavours.
We are committed to progressively reducing the ecological footprint of our products through our recycling program. Learn more
Discover our premium single use electronic cigar, offering 8 authentic flavours inspired by traditional cigars. Experience an unique and rich, satisfying vape with the convenience of a single-use design.
Experience the luxury of a rechargeable e-cigar, featuring 8+ authentic flavours inspired by traditional cigars. Enjoy the convenience of a long-lasting battery and the rich, full-bodied taste of premium blends in cigar pods.
Explore our premium e-liquid range, inspired by our signature electronic cigars. Available in 8+ authentic flavours, each blend delivers the rich, traditional taste of fine cigars in a smooth vaping experience.
The world’s finest cigars
Driven by a passion for authentic flavours true to traditional cigars, we collaborated with producers and artisans in Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Veracruz, Mexico, to create unique and genuine e-cigar flavours together.
our flavours in 10ml
We have implemented a comprehensive recycling solution, from the design of our products to the end user.